Use your Mind to Feel Better
Practicing mindfulness can decrease the use of opiates and pain. We provide resources to help you be more mindful and learn to meditate. Learn more
Learn How Breath Relieves Pain
The way we breathe impacts the way we feel. Certain breath techniques can help us relax and relieve pain. Learn more
Treat Yourself Better
Learn to stop being hard on yourself because of your illness or inability.
Body Image
Be Body Positive
Chronic illness and pain can change the way we look. We want to help you appreciate your body the way it is.
Intimacy tips for You and your Partner
Intimacy while sick or in pain is difficult for both partners. Here, we've compiled resources to help you deal. Learn more
Radical Acceptance
Accept your Health and Challenges
Anger with our health or pain can hold us back from doing things we can. Learn to accept your abilities, pain, or health the way it is and move forward. Learn more
Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)
Being a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP) is not an illness or a diagnoses. About 25% of the population is highly sensitive; it's a genetic trait. HSPs are more sensitive to sound, light, tags in clothing, and notice things differently than those who are not highly sensitive.